

37%Rayon 28%Acrylic 28%Cotton 7%Spandex Fabric

  • 記事å‚照。: XT-NZ2389
  • ファブリックå: 37%Rayon 28%Acrylic 28%Cotton 7%Spandex Fabric
  • é‡é‡/å¹…: 205gsm/173cm-cuttable
  • 特徴: ★伸縮性ã«å„ªã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚&回復
  • 応用: Sports/Tops/T-shirts
  • 証明書: エコテックス100ã€ãƒ–ルーサイン

Product detail

Except the rayon and cotton blend fabric, there have a mixed material which includes the elastane, acrylic, cotton and rayon has the advantages of these four materials timely, as for the performance, it relies on the content of these four materials. Which material has more content; the advantages of mixed fabrics will be more liked to which material. If you want to buy cotton fabric, you can try to know this material too. It has more advantages than the pure cotton.

The advantages of the mixed material are these.

The good warmth, because the acrylic content can increase the warmth of the fabric without increasing the weight of the material. In addition, the acrylic’s resilience also helps increase the overall durability of the fabric. As for the spandex, it can ensure that the garment fits well and retains its shape, even with repeated wear and washing. And the rayon enhances the aesthetic appeal with a gentle drape.

All of these make the mixed material is suitable for a wide range of clothing items. And you need to know that our company can provide the best fabric material for our customers, you can choose the material without worry.

記事å‚照。: XT-NZ2389 ファブリックå: 37%Rayon 28%Acrylic 28%Cotton 7%Spandex Fabric
é‡é‡/å¹…: 205gsm/173cm-cuttable 特徴: ★伸縮性ã«å„ªã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚&回復
仕上ã’/特性: å¸æ¹¿æ€§ 応用: Sports/Tops/T-shirts
色: カスタム染料 サンプルã®å…¥æ‰‹å¯èƒ½æ€§: 利用å¯èƒ½ / FOC
染色方法: 後染゠L/D & S/O Time: 5 日々 / 10 日々
開発時間: 10 日々 月間容é‡: 3 ミリオンメートル
支払æ¡ä»¶: T/T, 信用状, クレジット 証明書: エコテックス100ã€ãƒ–ルーサイン, GRS


37%Rayon 28%Acrylic 28%Cotton 7%Spandex Fabric


37%Rayon 28%Acrylic 28%Cotton 7%Spandex Fabric


37%Rayon 28%Acrylic 28%Cotton 7%Spandex Fabric


37%Rayon 28%Acrylic 28%Cotton 7%Spandex Fabric


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